Thursday, 2 August 2012

Crisis response and disaster resilience 2030: forging strategic action in an age of uncertaint

This progress report addresses the Strategic Foresight Initiative (SFI), which is a transformative, community-wide effort in the United States to create an enduring foresight capability intended to advance strategic planning and thinking about the future. SFI also seeks to prepare the community for emerging challenges and for the key opportunities presented by the world's changing environment. This report is concerned about a future which is highly uncertain, noting that the complexity of this uncertainty will test the ability of the emergency management community to execute its mission. It is hopeful that by exploring the nature of such future challenges can help communities take actions to improve the United States' resilience and adaptability.

1 comment:

  1. very good source of information as i like the way you written your post
    Keep it up its really good source of information..
