Thursday 14 July 2011

CEPO Press Release on South Sudan Independence

For Immediate Repress Release:
Community Empowerment for Progress Organization CEPO hails the independence of South Sudan, congratulates the Government, civil society and the international community for their contributions, as well as the martyrs and wounded heroes who died in the struggle. Challenges now lie ahead. They are:
Political Development: It is  high time for the South Sudan political parties to sit together around a table for consodilating their differences through any possible means such as South-South political parties dailogue for the sake of gaining political unity of purpose. Additionally, drawing constructive and genuine fighting over “marginalization, oppression, lack of rule of law, violation of human rights and instutional racism and discrimination”.

Remembering the independence of South Sudan from the rest of sudan is due to dictorship in its various forms, lweak constitutional goverance and lack of inclusive approach in leadership and development.  CEPO is urging every poltical party in the Republic of South Sudan to prioritise upholding democracy and good goverance as a paramount goal to be achieved. 

The hard questions before the Republic of South Sudan political parties are, how well are they prepared politically for upholding political popularity in governance and leadership? And secondly, how much committed are they as political parties to the principle of respect and fulfillment  of democratic transformation, human rights and rule of law with full political will?  

Our failure to learn from the mistakes of the previous governments of Sudan, will place the government in the new state of south Sudan eminently for repeating Khartoum mistakes.
Economic Development : How much are we ready to follow clear policy-guided-work for achieving better and balance development. It is logical that we in the new born state should be careful enough to learn from experiences of post-conflict and independent states in economical development in order for us to avoid the human mistakes committed during economical development in those countries.  Our key possible challenges are fighting corruption in its various forms in all institutions both governmental and non-governmental and lack of or weak relevant financial resource mobilization strategies with poor institutional accountability. Following the current situation prior to our newly  born state which is characterized by fragile statues. It is important for our government of the Republic of South Sudan to immediately start running the government on the principle of clear policy-guided work. The transition of the south Sudan development plans into action is the first milestone for confirming commitment for policy-guided-work. 

Further, answering the question “what are the policies of the government per each service sector institutions for attracting support both financial and human resource for transition of those plans into actual tangible services?” Is a key aspect of economical development.   The fighting against all forms of corruption, HIV/AIDS and promotion of gender mainstreaming should be intensified and also turn as citizens’ individual civic duties and responsibilities with genuine assistance from the state and the international community.
Security sector reform:  The genuine transformation of the security sector institutions from being unprofessional to professional under the principle of security sector institution accountable to the public  needs immediate attention right from the day one after the independence. Any instability in the security sector management is an immediate factor that may take us back to square one where we are coming from to the independence. Therefore, the transparency and accountability among the security sector institutions is necessary. For improvement of justice and accountability, there is a need to have citizens-security sector consultative interactions that are heading to achievement of peace, stability and protection of civilians lives and properties 

Hence, it is of benefit for the new government of South Sudan to build the security sector on the concept of protecting the civilians lives and properties including creating suitable environment for popular or inclusive national building regards to all aspects of development
The communal/local clashes or any violence are well managed when the security sector is clearly structured and organize on the bases of transparency and accountability. Accountability and transparency principle of the security sector is easily realized, when the security institutions are not intervening into issues and challenges in irresponsble and unlawful manner. For instance, if the security sector institutions relation with the media and civil society is not based on culture or attitudes of dialogue and information sharing, it will hard for ensuring popular or inclusive national building.
Civil society: Finding ourselves in fragil  eviroment, it makes us not to be able to escape being frageli. It will be of no meaning if we are not able to play our role for making our government accountability to the people and failed to make the voice of the people far from the government not being heard by the various governmental and non-governmental agencies. 

Being a civil society in the fragil state, it will be better for us to focuse at the following thematic areas;
1.      Promotion of rule of law for ensuring justice and accountability.
2.      Focusing on developmental projects.
3.      Democrtic goverance with inclusive political participation.
4.      Enhancing capacity building among the rural community memebers for promoting self-relaince.          

CEPO stands ready to assist the Government of Republic of South Sudan  and the people of South Sudan to face these challenges head on in collaboration with other civil society organisations.

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