Thursday 23 June 2011


I'll consider ant-Otunu supporters' U-TURN to bring the debate about him again as an admission that, they bailed out of this interesting debate a bit too early. The other day, I pressed for answers regarding the Otunu leadership confusion. They blamed it on internal friction with in the electoral chain of command. But first, let me take this opportunity to re-enforce what I've said since 1980. My insisting on debating this subject is not an indication that my negative opinion about the UPC has changed. Ideologically, I consider UPC bankrupt, extremely dangerous, and and an entity imposed on Ugandans by president Museveni's cheap popularity reasons.
Let me tell you a story. One day, I dreamt that UPC was a beautiful woman, and I was stranded with her in a life and death situation at the 14th floor inside Uganda house. I do not know how many floors this building has I must say. For some reason, if she jumped alone, she would not die, but for me to survive, we had to hold hands and jump together. I jumped alone very quickly, and left her there screaming "Lubangaaaa"!!. I could not trust this woman. By the time I woke up, I was bargaining for a saucepan in Ssebagala's former UGANTICO supermarket. I do not know what I was going to cook in it.
But that Ugandans like my self are convinced that the Obote family dynasty must be discontinued, is merely a choice between being eaten by a lion or a tiger. At the moment, Olara Otunu is the better of the devils. Had it not been for the distraction emanating from detractors, we would have worked together during the presidential elections season. What I read from some of you is hatred, and a subscription to jousting between the omni present/Otunu and the past/the Obotes.
If that wasn't the case, a different approach to resolving the internal crisis would have been signalled. If the problem is a question of legality, then you do not solve it with another illegal stance to force Otunu out of office. You should employ internally established structures to initiate a way forward. I also smell a tribal card being played here, "Acholis vs Langis".
My understanding is that, UPC harbours ambitions to form government in the future, So it becomes our business to scrutinise its business dealings therefore. For instance, if I knew that there was clandestine intentions to overthrow a legitimate government by UPC unconstitutionally, it is my duty as a citizen to inform the authorities.

When I said that Olara Otunu is treasured political intellectual capital, I was benchmarking his skills and achievements with those of Mama Miria, and his son Jimmy Akena. But he also brings a wealth of internal and international experience to your party. 
I see some of you trying to erode the man's stature, but the only losers are your selves, and your party. If pushed out, there is many hooks dangling out there, prepared to fish him very quickly. Where is Madam Cecilia Ogwal and others? I'm well aware that politics is about coming and going, but when the attrition rate exceeds recruitment, it is time to bandage your wound and stop the bleeding. You can not continue to hemorrhage useful people and pretend that UPC will only survive on the Obote diet alone.

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